Tristel Harvest Wash

Tristel Harvest Wash is a Stabilised Chlorine Dioxide (SCD) product containing 2% (20,000 ppm) of Total Available Chlorine Dioxide (TACD). It is used in food processing to remove pathogens from the surface of produce increasing the shelf life of post harvest fruits and vegetables. Use of Tristel Harvest Wash must be followed by a potable rinse prior to consumption.
Tristel Harvest Wash is non-corrosive at in-use concentrations, is unaffected by water pH, does not ‘chlorinate’, leaves no taste or odour and is the primary replacement for hypochlorite and numerous other disinfectants.
Flume water dosing for dip or spray application on:
- Processed fruits
- Processed root, tuba, bulb, legume, fruiting and cucurbit vegetables
- Processing of leafy vegetables and those from the brassica family
Product Options & Accessories
Tristel Harvest Wash is available in three sizes:
- 5L
- 25L
- 1000L