Anistel is based on a blend of two quaternary ammonium compounds and a biguanide and is intended for the disinfection of surfaces in animal habitats.
Anistel is based on a blend of two quaternary ammonium compounds and a biguanide and is intended for the disinfection of surfaces in animal habitats.
Anistel is effective against mycobacteria, viruses, fungi and bacteria at a dilution of 1:100:
General conditions: Wash down floors, walls and unoccupied animal habitats with Anistel at a dilution of 1:200. Leave for five minutes.
High risk (PARVO/TB): Wash or wipe down all surfaces including worktops, sinks and animal housing (post/pre-occupation) with Anistel at a dilution of 1:100. Leave for 5 minutes for bacteria and yeast, 30 minutes for viruses, mycobacteria and fungi.
For airborne pathogens (e.g. Bordatella bronchiseptica – kennel cough): Use Anistel in a trigger spray at a 1:100 dilution from ceiling to floor. Leave for 5 minutes.
For bedding: Soak bedding in Anistel at a dilution of 1:100 for 20 minutes, then wash as normal.
Anistel is available five sizes: